IT Management & Support

IT Management and IT Support are closely inter-related. You may wish for us to take on the IT Management, which can involve CMC taking on some or all of the routine maintenance activities involved with keeping your systems up to date., creating use accounts and security groups, etc.
On the other hand Support is, in essence, troubleshooting... We can be on the end of a phone, or more usually on the end of a remote connection into your system and we help to diagnose and resolve the cause of problems.
Service Details
We may have designed and commissioned your infrastructure, or you may have an existing infrastructure where you need some assistance, it does not matter. A little like having your own in-house IT department, we have a broad ranging skill-set which allows us to work across a wide range of technologies.
For IT Management, the planned configuration change process can take place at times which are sensible for your business needs. The changes may relate to technical activities such as operating system & application patches or hardware firmware upgrades, may be related to staffing changes, or to new PCs or hardware devices which need to be connected to your network.
Whilst we endeavour to build systems which are resiliant to component failure, sometimes other errors cause malfunctions. This may be a hardware or software issue and our diagnostic and troubleshooting skills can be put to good use to fast-track the identification of problems. Thereafter we will work alongside specialist engineers to remedy the fault component, and to ensure the system is returned to functioning order quickly.